Class Policies

Class Policies

In addition to the policies written in the Student Handbook, my class and classroom have important policies and guidelines that must be followed. Here is a brief summary of what I expect the conduct to be in the classroom.

Throwing Items: The "KJ" Rule

Throwing objects (paper, penciles ect...) is prohibited in the classroom. Failure to follow this policy will result in a five (5) point deduction in a student's grade per object thrown.

Late Work:

Assignments not turned into the basket by the end of the due date will result in a fifty (50%) deduction from the original grade.

Example: Weekly Study Guide due Monday worth 20 points will be worth 10 points Tuesday.

Special assignments indicated by me are worth 75% past the due date. These assignments will often be given an extra week or so to recieve before they return to 50%.

Example: Term paper due April 22nd worth 100 points will be 75 points April 23rd. If not recieved by May 1st, it is worth 50%.

All assignments (late or otherwise) must be turned in by the Friday prior to the end of the quarter or semester to recieve credit.

Class Disruption: The “L.C.” Rule

Class is not social hour. However, I have no problem letting students attempt to find all the material on the exams on their own. If a student or class has a hard time remaining quiet during lectures, exams, or any other classroom exercise, the assignments received will become harder because obviously that student or class knows all the material. Ok, so the moral here is "Excessive talking during class time will result in excessive work." 

Chair Rules: "The K.G." Rule

Every chair in this class room have four (4) legs on them. In an effort to keep the chairs in good repair and to protect our students from themselves, any student caught with any legs of the chairs off the ground will be given one of the following consequences (student's choice): 10 push-ups; copying 10 sentences I come up with or 10 point deduction of that student's grade.

Academic Misconduct:

 Academic misconduct is a major violation of your responsibility as a student. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to; plagiarism, cheating and/or disrupting the learning environment. These violations are assessed on a case by case basis. Please refer to the student handbook for all school policies. At minimum my classroom guidelines require the offending student to recieve a zero (0) for the assignment.

More class policies coming as necessary!

Copyright © 2010 Frazier, DSA Tulsa, High School History Teacher. All Rights Reserved.